If you are lucky enough to have garden space, then you may already be familiar with composting. Many years ago it was perhaps seen as something that only serious gardeners did, but nowadays even the green fingered novice can be seen with a composting bin somewhere on their property.
If you have not yet discovered the joys of creating your own compost, we have put together some of the benefits and some tips on how to get started.
What is compost?
Compost is a mix of organic waste, such as food, various manures, grass cuttings and sometimes bulking agents such as wood chippings. It will be stored in a container which will retain high temperatures, where the materials will break down and decompose to leave a dark soil like compost.
What happens if we don’t compost?
If we don’t compost at home, our organic waste will go to landfill. Not only will it take up room at landfill sites, adding to the vast amounts of waste that already exist, it will also produce a potent greenhouse gas called methane, which will then be released into the atmosphere. This can cause harm to the o-zone layer and be hazardous for climate change.
What are the benefits of compost?
- Composting waste food and organic matter will reduce the level of methane gas that is produced
- It can reduce and sometimes eliminate the need for chemical fertilisers
- Using compost can increase the yield of an agricultural crop
- It will enhance the soil, helping it to retain water
- It will produce a nutrient rich material that is great for growing plants and vegetables
- Reduces waste going to landfill
How to start composting
- Choose a sturdy bin or composter
- Place your bin away from your house, but close to your growing area
- Mix materials as you put it in rather than dump large amounts of one thing in one go
- Turn the material regularly
- To avoid attracting pets, do not put fish, meat or cooked foods in your bin
- Keep the compost moist, as this will encourage it to break down more quickly and efficiently
- Cover your compost between turns - the heat and moisture that it needs will then be trapped so that it can work
- Adding animal manure can really help the process of composting
Visit our website for some highly effective composting products that can help you to get started.